So it’s been a sizzling summer in Mississippi — highs pushing 100 and heat index flirting with 110 most days so far this month. But it’s felt like Christmas of late, for a couple of reasons.
The first of which is that my latest video, “How Hot Is It?,” is the closest thing I’ve had to something going “viral.” Not sure where it got picked up, but it had more than 7,000 views on YouTube in its first week.

The second is that I’ve had my “elves” working. My next performance will be this coming Monday — teaching a group of teachers about astronomy (S.T.E.A.M. in Space) at the MS Museum of Natural Science. Since it will be a full-day workshop, I needed to create some educational materials with the help of my younger two sons, Nate and Henry.
When I’m done in Jackson, I’ll steer the sleigh (my Prius) toward Vicksburg on Tuesday. I visited Vicksburg back during the 2018 tour, but have never played the library there (very excited for the opportunity!). I’ll “wrap” (Christmas pun intended) my mini-tour up on Wednesday, with a performance at the Mississippi Arts Commission’s Summer Institute in Hattiesburg.
Of course, I can’t end this post (titled as it is) without a tip of the hat to one of my favorite bands, Brave Combo. Enjoy and stay cool friends!